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LeadHound 3.2

Thank you mail, data protection and expiry date



Interface to Cleverreach

Every conversation with a potential costumer should end with a thank-you email, because it can be the beginning of the business relationship. In addition to a very rudimentary thank you email, LeadHound was expanded a few weeks ago with an interface to the Newsletter2Go mailing system. Since 3.2. there is an additional interface to CleverReach. Design your thank-you email according to your ideas with photos (pictures), colors, links and much more. Also keep track of whether and when your lead opened the thank-you email and whether they clicked links in your email or not.

Signature field

Would you like to send your costumer regular newsletters in addition to the than-you email? Get a written digital confirmation directly in LeadHound, all compliant and with data protection. Of course, your lead can also confirm the data protection regulations with a digital signature. You can find a sample questionnaire here: Download


Data protection also is a big issue when exporting your leads. In the future, exports that you send to yourself by email, will only be saved in your email inbox using a link with an expiry date. In addition too data protection, this has the additional advantage, that export emails have a very high delivery rate and do not unnecessarily load the storage space of your mailbox. Nice-To-Have: Define the expiry date of the export link yourself (short email to us is enough).

Book modules

LeadHound is divided into standard modules and additional modules. All modules can be found in the settings under "Configuration mode". Contact us if you want to unlock a module.

Miscellaneeous in this update

As of this version, the export file contains an extra file with metadata. Among other things, it shows which questionnaire were used and how many leads were exported. We also fixed some bugs that occurred in certain constellations.