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Configuration Profile - Form

configuration profile makes it easier to customize LeadHound.
Define your LeadHound settings once (app appearance, thank you e-mail, lead capturing) and easily synchronize multiple devices at once.

1. Branding

Brand the LeadHound app to match your taste and set your color, logo, and a large background image.

Your logo

Your background image

2. Configure thank you e-mail

If you would like to send a thank you e-mail after capturing a lead, you must send us your server data for the outgoing e-mail server (SMTP). To do so, please get in touch with your LeadHound contact person.

E-mail attachments

(Each recipient of the thank you e-mail will receive these attachments)

3. Configure mandatory fields

Here, you can define the information which is always required when adding a new lead. The app can only continue capturing the lead once all required information has been added.
Mandatory fields

Thank you very much for your time.

We will create your configuration profile.

Personal details