4.2 How can I access the online configuration profile?
Once you receive confirmation from us that your online configuration profile is available, you can activate it on your device as follows.
Enterint the API key
1. Turn on your iPad
2. Connect the iPad to WiFi
3. Search for LeadHound in the App store and install the app
4. Open the LeadHound app and click on the small gear wheel at the bottom left to open the settings
5. Click “API management” in the “API” area
6. Select “Scan API” in the open window and scan the QR code provided by Junith. Alternatively, you can manually enter the API key.
Once the API key has been saved, you can select the online configuration profile:
1. Navigate to “Configuration mode” in the settings. The local configuration profile will be selected as the default setting (you can change all settings individually on your device in this profile, although these will only apply to this device). You must select “Display online configuration profile” here.
2. Click desired profile
3. Click “Finish” at the top right corner of the LeadHound app to exit the settings and start capturing leads.